Thursday, February 28, 2008

Portrait. And more wedding practice.

Portrait of an intense child, originally uploaded by cycle61.

Quick portrait of my oldest daughter, shot while trying out my new softbox. Bedroom studio, but that's OK when your model is 9 and your assistant is 6. A bit of Photoshop work to enhance the contrast and add some tone.

Strobist: Nikon SB-800 in tiny softbox, camera left. 1/4 power, F/8 ISO 200, 1/250th to kill the ambient light.

Just picked up the softbox, a Photoflex LiteDome Q3 this afternoon. I'm hoping to be able to use it at the wedding on Friday. I realized after some experimentation that there's absolutely no way I'm going to wield an umbrella one-handed, and I don't want to go bare flash if I can help it. This seems like a good solution for now. If I get it in fairly close, it actually makes very nice light. I'd love to try this one on the end of a monopod with a TTL sync cord as well...

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