Friday, February 1, 2008

Some flashy stuff

Kid with guitar, originally uploaded by cycle61.

One of my personal favorite images from this evening's talent show at the kids' elementary school. The gym is far too dark for ambient action shooting without a D3, so some creative Strobist work is a necessity. More after the jump.
I set up two SB's, one on either side of the room, pointing towards the stage, both set at maximum zoom, 1/4 power, and triggered by my Pocket Wizards. This served me well for most of the acts, but towards the end, I knew I had enough good shots in the can to keep the school happy, so I started playing around. Several times, I walked up the right side of the room, shutting off my flash on the way by, and shooting across the stage at the now backlit performers. I will definitely be doing this more in the future.

Oh, and I'm shooting with a rented Nikon 70-200 f/2.8 VR lens. It's mine for two weeks. Unless I decide to flee to Canada or something. It's that good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude that is awesome!